Father was a sea captain who bestowed upon me at an early age the gift of stories from around the world. He had the keen ability to connect with the people who held them. In the retelling of the tales he mesmerized me.

Mother was a collector of the unique object. It was well known that she had “the eye” for collecting. Growing up I journeyed with her both through the countryside and cities in the pursuit of the desired. In doing so I developed a love of the chase and the found object.

My assemblage art emanates from this love of story and object.

Secrets and their power fascinate me.

The materials I use are often unexpected, calling out to me to take them to heart. Nature lends precious finds. I hunt for meaning in the manufactured. Always present is the addiction of the pursuit of the next find.

In the act of combining story and objects, I find the detailed relationships to chronicle the journey of the examined life. My art offers connection for those on their journey to live life abundantly.


Elise Alexander lives in the Chapel Hill countryside with her husband, James Compton. When not involved in making art, she travels the world with him including long-distance walking trips.

© 2019-24 Elise Alexander

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